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Natural Rhythms and Balance

    Natural Rhythms and Balance:

 for many years, Nature has made regular rhythms that keep up a solid parity for all life on Earth. When these rhythms are disrupted it throws the system out of balance and creates disharmony, disease and extinction. Some of the time these rhythms are disturbed by normal procedures in nature, for example, cataclysmic events, fires, and so on.. But even these disruptions are dealt with by natural rhythms. For example, after a fire, nature has created specialized rhythms such as the soil becoming more fertile, specialized plants growing that enhance the re-creation of the original rhythms. Some trees seed pods only open from the heat produced by a fire.

Certain plants will grow in poor soil and in the process they naturally produce the nutrients and transfer them to the soil to make it more fertile. There are Acacia trees that produce nectar for Acacia Ants that protect the tree from natural predators; the nectar and thorns of the tree provide food and shelter for the ants and the ants provide protection from natural predators and even invasive plant species for the tree. These checks and balances occur throughout nature, on land and in both fresh and salt water.

Nature does not create anything without a purpose. Everything is created to maintain a healthy balance by using natural rhythms. Even the peskiest insects serve a very important purpose. Like everything else created by nature, human beings also serve a purpose and for millions of years were part of the natural rhythms that maintained the delicate balance for life on Earth. I believe human beings have evolved into who we are for a very specific purpose-as caretakers for our planet, our home. Mother Nature is smart but moves slowly. The creation of a species that can move faster to remedy a disturbance of the natural rhythms and balance is not science fiction but fact. However, we have taken this gift and turned it upside down.

Human beings have made choices that disturb the natural rhythms and natural balance, which have not only harmed and/or destroyed natural rhythms and natural balance and life but have destroyed our own natural rhythms and balance and have caused the death and destruction of nature and all life on Earth, including our own.

People have a nasty habit of trying to recreate nature for our own selfish designs. Instead of working with the natural rhythms provided by Nature, we engage in activities that destroy the rhythms and create an imbalance. An example is our use of monocropping agriculture. Monocropping is the practice of growing the same crop year after year without crop rotation. This is not natural and disturbs the natural rhythms on many levels: here are a few:

-Certain plants deplete certain nutrients and introduce certain nutrients, with monocropping the plant depletes the soil of what it needs to survive. As a result fertilizers are used that can "burn" the soil and kill important organisms in the soil-creating further disruption to the rhythms and balance. These organisms are food for others and so on.

-Pollination has to be done by shipping bees from remote locations because pollinators cannot survive where monocropping is used. Think of it like this: bees only have a food source for short periods of time during the entire year-the time when the crop is blooming. It would be like living in a desert that only rains and produces food for two to three weeks a year. This practice also creates a disturbance to honeybees' natural rhythms and balance, which many attribute as part of or the main cause or "root cause" of colony collapse disorder. Bees have been pollinating and producing honey for up to 250,000 years. They know what to do and how to do it. The use of beehives to pollinate around the country and even the world disturbs their way of life. When hives are used in this manner, they are fed sugar water, their honey isn't edible because of the pesticides used by monocropping, and the bees are less healthy and more vulnerable to disease and parasites. Finally, beekeepers take to using insecticides and other poisons to control disease and parasites, which in time only exasperates the problem. As a natural beekeeper, I can attest to how the bees' natural rhythms work and that shipping them around goes against all of their natural rhythms. It is no wonder that bees used in this manner have chosen to evacuate this way of life, which is really a way of destruction. Plants in Nature bloom at different times, which helps maintain a stable food source for not only honeybees but hundreds of different pollinators that cannot survive in regions where monocropping is utilized. If you visit an area between blooms where monocropping is used, such as the vast acreages of almond trees in California you will be stunned by the silence-no birds, no insects, nothing but almond trees and dirt.

-Monocropping relies heavily on pesticides because they have destroyed the natural balance of life, which creates a feast for certain insects and famine for others. The use of pesticides has a limited success-initially, it seems to work miracles but as the insects adapt and their natural predators die off the problem comes back tenfold. What's their answer? More powerful insecticides. The cycle will eventually end but it will not be a happy ending. In the meantime, the effects of the pesticides, which are poisons, are extremely far reaching. They cause many different diseases in people and animals that are exposed to them. They create insecticide resistant strains of insects and viruses and bacteria that damage or destroy their natural predators leaving them to rule their world for a time. The chemical plants that create the pesticides destroy the environment around them by contaminating groundwater, rivers and the air, which creates more and more imbalance and domino effects. Fish are poisoned. Deer are poisoned. People are poisoned. Plants are poisoned.

Monocropping is only one example of how we have disturbed the natural rhythms created by Nature. There are so many more examples. The scariest part of it is that each time we disturb the natural rhythms and the natural balance there is a domino effect that eventually touches everything, all life. The solution is to work with the natural rhythms. Farms that work with the natural balance by using crop rotation, organic farming, etc. experience about the same loss of crop yield as those who rely on monocropping, pesticides and herbicides.

A good rule of thumb for every person on Earth to use is this: no matter how much we do not like something in nature, remember that Mother Nature doesn't create anything for no good reason. There is always a very important reason for even the peskiest of Nature's creations. I recently read an ad for an herbicide that showed a picture of a Dandelion in half bloom and described it as ugly and unacceptable. Dandelions are not only beautiful; they are food for many different animals and insects including humans. They are medicinal in nature and their nectar is used to make honey.

It is time for us human beings to step down from our self-proclaimed godlike pedestal and listen to our Mother-Mother Nature. If we fail to listen there will be dire consequences for us and our children and our children's children and for all life on our planet.

 Thank you so much for reading. I look forward to seeing you inside my next article. Please like, share, comment, and subscribe. Until next time. Bye Bye.